Frequently Asked Questions about HopeHub
HopeHub is a community’s tool for providing holistic support to individuals and families in need. It is a Collaborative Case Management System that allows the many different organizations and providers working with a family to communicate in a HIPAA, FERPA, and COPRA compliant way.
Who owns HopeHub?
Restore Hope, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has owned the system since 2019 and has consistently improved it to better support partners and the families they assist. Restore Hope works diligently to cover operating and development costs through a variety of grants and funding sources, to ensure that the system is free to use for most organizations.
What data is shared and with who?
As HopeHub relies primarily on grant funding and is offered free to most organizations using it, specific data needs to be shared with funders. For example, in Arkansas, there is an automated process for TANF eligibility determination for certain clients through a connection with DHS. This streamlined approach saves time for TANF partners since 90% of clients are automatically verified, enabling them to concentrate on assisting clients.
Non-personally identifiable information, such as aggregate outcome data, is shared community-wide, promoting transparency and enabling communities to identify areas for improvement. You can access this data, updated monthly across Arkansas here:
Who has access to a client’s profile in Hopehub?
Personal Identifiable Information is limited to the members of the client's "care team," which is comprised of organizations and providers dedicated to supporting the client's success. These providers have signed a Business Associate Agreement, received training on system usage, and have been authorized by the Community Coordinator to access the system. Clients receiving services retain the right to exclude individuals or organizations from their care team.
Who can use HopeHub to help families?
If your organization offers direct services to families, reach out to your local 100 Families Coordinator for training on using the system. The list of coordinators in Arkansas and their contact information can be found here:
Have more questions? Email Adara Newsome at and we will compile your questions for a HopeHub FAQ Part 2.